To download all the VAM Funds – A Classes fact sheets, click here.

To download all the VAM Funds – B Classes fact sheets, click here.

To download all the VAM Funds – D Class fact sheets, click here.

To download all the VAM Funds – E Class fact sheets, click here.

To download all the VAM Funds – Z Class fact sheets, click here.

To download the Holdings Transparency Report, click here.

To download all funds’ commentaries, click here.


To download all the Alquity Funds - R Class Fact sheets, click here.

To download all the Alquity Funds - Y Class Fact sheets, click here.

Sales aids currently being refreshed and will be available shortly. Please contact us if you’d like any more information on our funds

 Fund NameA Classes

Monthly Factsheets
B Classes

Monthly Factsheets
D Class

Monthly Factsheets
E Class

Monthly Factsheets
Z Class

Monthly Factsheets
R Class

Monthly Factsheets
Y Class

Monthly Factsheets
 VAM Managed Funds
 VAM USD          
 VAM GBP          
 VAM EUR            
 Cautious USD          
 Cautious GBP          
 Cautious EUR          
 Cautious SGD          
 Balanced USD        
 Balanced GBP        
 Balanced EUR        
 Balanced SGD          
 Balanced CHF          
 Growth USD        
 Growth GBP        
 Growth EUR          
 VAM Equity Funds
 US Micro Cap Growth*          
 US Small Cap Growth        
 US Mid Cap Growth USD          
 US Mid Cap Growth GBP            
 US Large Cap Growth          
 Emerging Markets Growth          
 World Growth          
 International Opportunities          
 Global Infrastructure USD        
 Global Infrastructure GBP          
 Global Infrastructure GBP (Unhedged)          
 Alquity Funds
 Asia USD          
 Asia GBP          
 Asia EUR            
 Future World USD          
 Future World GBP          
 Future World EUR          
 Indian Subcontinent USD          
 Indian Subcontinent GBP          
 Indian Subcontinent EUR            
 Global Impact USD          
 Global Impact GBP          
 Global Impact EUR            

*Fund is currently closed to subscriptions.

**VAM Driehaus Fund changed its name to VAM Fund as from 1st September 2021.